CPA Application
Compliance Payment Application
Compliance Payment Application Form
If your home and landscaping is completed in accordance with the Design Guidelines within 24 months of the settlement of your land, and you have rectified any damage that may have occurred to the public verge, footpath, street trees, nature strip or services during construction, you can apply for a Compliance Payment.
Simply fill out the form below, click ‘submit’, and this will then be sent to our Highland Views team.
Upon receipt of your application, a representative of Highland Views arrange an inspection of your completed home and assess your eligibility to receive the Compliance Payment. Please allow 2 weeks minimum for an inspection date and 6 weeks for Compliance Payment transactions.
Please note – this only applies to residents in the Corridale, Clearview and Pinnacle Precinct. We recommend that you review your sales contract to ensure you are eligible for this payment.
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